Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Red Bull gives me wings!

So this morning I decided to experience my first Red Bull. That’s right, I’ve never tried one before. I just like coffee so much that I never saw the need for an alternative caffeine source. But this morning, falling asleep at my desk, I decided I was in the mood for something new.

I also decided that I should document this experience.

9:19AM – Just bought my Red Bull. First observation: the can isn’t all that big. That’s a lot of caffeine in a small space. Also, I’m having a hard time restraining myself from repeatedly saying, “Red Bull gives you wings!” with extreme enthusiasm. I’ve already said it about 5 times on my way in with my new purchase. I think I’ve reached the socially acceptable limit. ;-) Also, my co-workers might hurt me if I say it again…

9:21AM – First sip. And the first thing I thought of was anit-freeze. I don’t know why. I’ve never tried drinking anti-freeze… I promise.

9:30AM – Wow. This stuff is like a little can of happy. I feel great. I just got back from the restroom and had an almost uncontrollable urge to skip down the halls. I can’t believe how quickly this is affecting me.

9:35AM – Last sip. Have you ever read the label of promised benefits on a can of Red Bull? Let me enlighten you. 1) “Improves performance, especially during times of increased stress or strain”. Stress and strain?!? Now… I’m a mechanical engineer (news flash!). So, stress and strain mean something very particular to me. What do they think people are doing when they drink this? Let me go draw a Mohr’s circle for my increased acceptable stress and strain limits—this way I can make sure that bridge I’m holding up won’t permanently deform me. 2) “Increased concentration and improved reaction speed”. Yes, I feel very focused right now. Quick, try to punch me and see how fast I react! My spidey sense in tingling—or maybe that’s just a caffeine overdose. 3) “Stimulates the metabolism”. Yay! King-size chocolate bar, here I come!!! Guilt-free! Woohooooooo!

9:58AM – Ahem. I have the giggles. Hehe.

10:09AM – My throat muscles feel tight. I blame it on the glucuronolactone. My body doesn’t know what to do with that many letters.

10:18AM – Almost an hour post-Red Bull. I feel like the high is starting to wear off.

10:53AM – First post-Red Bull yawn.

10:55AM – Somebody stole my wings! Also, I’m tired of writing this blog. It reminds me of why I hate Twitter. Multiple life-updates an hour are tedious for all involved.

11:18AM – Well, that’s that. I’m back to falling asleep at my desk. It was a fun ride though! This concludes my documentation on Red Bull consumption.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Please stay seated until the ride comes to a complete stop...

I’m contemplating change, and what the effect of it is. After a year full of change, I sometimes wonder where I’m left after it all. The shape of my anticipated future has morphed and warped so many times that I’m afraid to even look at it anymore. But even though it’s been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, I can’t say I’ve suffered any sort of tragedy—just what’s to be expected for someone unwilling to let a challenge or opportunity ever pass by.

I find myself praying that God will let me off the rollercoaster—show me now if my newest aspirations or hopes will fall to ruin. I suppose I’m afraid of getting hurt. I feel so fragile these days, and I hate feeling fragile. My mom used to always tell me I was sensitive when I was younger, and I always took great offense to that. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to never show tears. I wanted to be able to take on anything.

But what is strength anyway? Particularly for a Christian? I no longer believe that if I cry sometimes, it makes me weak. Yet at the same time, it’s something I do in private and I always hate myself for it if I slip up in public. So maybe I still am ashamed in some way.

In the face of change, stability comes in the Lord. I know faith in God and in His plan for me is what’s gotten me this far. But there’s still that carnal side of me that wants to hide a bit from the next thrill ride. I won’t, because that’s the way I’ve always been. It may be a struggle against myself, but I’ll always get on again. Maybe that’s what active patience is all about—being willing to face life and give it your all even when you’re not completely sure where the rollercoaster leads yet. I have to believe it will pay off in the end.

I feel a bit skittish today and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the last bits of poison from my recent struggles seeping from my pores so I can move forward uninhibited. I don’t mean to say that the trials themselves are poison, but the fear and doubt that sometimes result. Jesus Christ was ridiculed and persecuted, yet He never shied away from doing the work. How can I shy away from something so simple as living my life and applying myself to both the opportunities and trials God gives me? As a Christian, I can’t. As a carnal human, I can. So I guess what it comes down to is growing in faith and God’s spirit. And as I climb the rollercoaster, all I can do is pray and trust that God knows what He’s doing.

I guess I really am sensitive. It’s still something I hate to admit to.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We stood at the pinnacle of a new day,
Sun cleaning the world and turning the ocean to glass.
I imagine lava-blackened sand warming our toes.
Imagine--because it hasn't happened yet,
And I hear there are rocks on the beaches.
I wonder what we'll think in those captured moments,
Suspended in time by the dreamers still in their beds,
But not too much--because it hasn't happened yet,
And I want it to be a surprise.
Will it seem that the Kingdom has descended around us?
God's spirit enhancing every exhaled breath.
There is a timid anticipation of expectation,
But not too much--because it hasn't happened yet,
And I want the moments to bring themselves.
So if we do stand there one day,
Watching the sunrise on the tropical shore,
I'll smile and look at you with thanks,
But not yet--because it hasn't happened yet,
And now is the time for hope.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Year of the Rollercoaster

A sense of euphoria colors the paint on the walls brighter
And I wonder if it's real,
Hoping the high-noon sun won't burn it away
And leave something faded and pealed.
Inquisitively hopeful on my knees I pray
And tell God I'll wait and see.
Active patience will bring me
To where I need to be.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

In the Whirlwind

Confusion. The blown leaves of past emotions gathering at the door, impeding its swing as I stand there, hesitant about whether it should even be opened. Sometimes I feel handicapped by the passions that grow so easily inside of me and sometimes I want to stand beneath the caress of the sun and scream. Impatience. Show me the end before the beginning and I'll make the journey all it can be. Catch 22 because the journey is made by the mystery ahead. But I just don't want to wait to find out that I'm wrong. Fear. Often denied but always present. Are my steps too quick and am I all I need to be? Always the threat of coming up short. I have before. Stubbornness. I'll open the door and let the leaves blow through, step quickly inside and scream as I do. When I fall, there will be scars and pain, but I'll always be quick to get up again. Limping on in an attempt to redeem, but hoping for someone on which to lean.